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The fifth dimension

Allain Jacques


The fifth dimension is new theory which introduces energy in the spatial model of universe.

Below, you will find an abstract of the book named "the fifth dimension".

The main subject and originality of this book is the fifth dimension concept. The others topics such that theory of relativity or BIG BANG are analyzed and criticized separately.


e-mail : allain.michel@hotmail.fr


Phone : 0033672846677

Abstract of the book

The world as we know it today is the combination of three
"natures" that are simultaneously independent and yet inseparable :
energy, space and time.


This postulate leads to three propositions :


  •  The introduction of energy into the spatial model of the



  • The unification of spatial dimensions and the fundamental

         quantities of physics.


  • The establishment of a new system of measurement that

         reduces the number of base units to three : joule, metre and

Furthermore, the five-dimensional architecture of the universe
renders the differential equations of nature into linear equations. This
statement exhorts the author to develop a mathematical tool that will
solve this type of equation digitally.
Apart from this, the precepts expressed in this work
demonstrably challenge the theory of relativity and that of the BIG

Complete Book

Complete book
530 ko

Book's chapter